
     我们外孙女已经六岁了。上星期六是她们的生日。虽然没举行什么生日派对,但是女儿、女婿邀请我和立庄带着两个娃娃一起去吃比萨,接着大家回家吃女儿做的生日蛋糕。立庄送她们一人一个手提包作为生日礼物。我送她们一个夏威夷四弦琴。当我们把礼物递给她们的时候,一个孩子马上问:"Is that all?" (只有这些啊?)唉,现代的小孩儿!









45条评论 on “六岁生日”

  1. Min说道:


  2. Echo说道:

    awwww… they\’re sooooooo cute~

  3. Heather说道:


  4. 晓雪说道:

    They are all grow up! But they are cute as last year!

  5. fay说道:

    hihi Alaric, this blog looks nice, is it easy to handle? I really didn\’t wanna change my site cause I really don\’t like get to know the new function of the new site, but now I am considering whether to change or not, is this one good?

  6. Alaric说道:

    Hi Min, 我不喜欢搬来搬去,所以我大概会呆在这里一段时间。也许我真正搬家的事情都弄完了以后,会有时间设想怎么弄我自己的博客空间在网上。Min, 你最近怎么样?Heather, 对啊,她们的头发自然就是那样子。她们是混血孩子。有中国人,黑人和白人的血统。Thanks, Echo and Sally!Fay, MSN Spaces doesn\’t have as many options as Blog-city, but it is quite good. You don\’t need to move unless you want people in China to be able to read your blog. Everybody else can read your blog-city blog just fine! I will still read it, as long as you are there.Alaric

  7. Alaric说道:

    當今聖上K夫人, or Echo!It took me until today to realize you are Echo! Sorry about that! How\’s married life going?Alaric

  8. Yucca说道:


  9. Charlie说道:

    Only people restricted in some LANs are not able to visit MSN Space.It\’s really safe and international here.We can communicate with people from different cultures,It is the real Global Village here!

  10. Echo说道:

    lol, sorry for the confusion…married life is great, you know you like it =D

  11. Unknown说道:

    Chuck E Cheese\’s! 我们家那两位也喜欢去那里过生日!两个小外孙女有一点点象立庄呢。

  12. Ashley说道:

    Bonjour Alaric, many thanks for your visits to my space. I try my best to make "mon jardin secret" attractive. I am really happy that you like it. Thanks also for telling me the author\’s name of the song "you are so beautiful". I have added his name in that blog. That is indeed a lovely song, simple words, beautiful melody… Say "happy birthday" to your twin grand-daughters. They are really cute. A lot of kisses and hugs to them from France. I dream of having twins. Your Chinese is truly perfect !! My husband speaks very very little Chinese. I do wish that he could speak Chinese as well as you do. Your wife is a great teacher, you are certainly a great student… BRAVO !!May I link your space to mine so that I can see your updates whenever I want ? Thanks in advance. Gros bisous de France à tout le monde !!

  13. Qiong说道:


  14. Fei说道:


  15. Unknown说道:

    你好: 终于看到了你的新“博客”。我们已经上班了,明天到基层学校去听课。

  16. 说道:

    看到你的msn空间,很是惊讶,我是一个在巴黎的中国留学生,希望和你成为朋友,有空去我的空间看看啊,我的msn是golden8250@hotmail.com 住你们家里人都快乐喔!!

  17. John说道:


  18. Alaric说道:

    Yucca, 你记得我们去年野餐?我自己都不记得!J, 是啊!我看过你们在Chuck E. Cheese 庆祝的照片。这是我第一次去的。他们的比萨比我想象的还好一些。Verdunoise, Of course you can add a link. I\’ll add yours too. I studied French in high school, and although I can still understand a lot when reading or listening, I can hardly speak it at all anymore. I also visited France at the age of 16. Is your husband French?潘吉, 嘿!我的美国同胞,你好!我也很喜欢美国的多元文化社会。是美国优点之一。Alaric

  19. Unknown说道:


  20. Alaric说道:

    J, 起初我感到厌烦。不知道要写什么“怪癖”。不过,后来想了一想,就觉得应该谢 谢你。因为你,我现在就有新的话题了。等到星期天,我打算参加“怪癖”游戏。J,有耐心地等待哦!

  21. 尖尖说道:

    以为永远也看不到你的blog,没想到你也用msn space了!

  22. Charlie说道:

    Hi,Alaric!我能将你加入到我的MSN Messenger中吗?很希望能与你交流,希望能够认识一些想学中文的老外,哈哈我的Email: awkstone@hotmail.com

  23. Unknown说道:


  24. YJ说道:


  25. Rita说道:

    天那,不敢相信这些中文的blog是你写的.你的中文太好了.我要督促我男朋友好好写中文了,光会说还不够,哈哈~~ps:他也是美国人 :)

  26. Rita说道:


  27. Unknown说道:


  28. Unknown说道:


  29. 说道:


  30. Hui说道:


  31. Chee Kien说道:

    你的space 我一定会长来支持~!另外,我很羡慕你已经儿孙满堂了^^我儿子才1岁7个月大…不知道何时才能好像 你那么逍遥自在^^顺道一提~ 我会在我的 space 放上你的连接还有我提议你参加 MSN 空间联盟 - MSN Space Alliance 让更多的华人能见识到你的space让不会中文的人华人觉得惭愧http://spaces.msn.com/members/MSN-SA/这是联盟的网址

  32. Sha说道:


  33. Sam说道:

    "学中文的老外"-就是这样好奇的过来瞧瞧觉得世界真的大,大得无奇不有我想看到这个space,我觉得和我一起在努力的人都是有的丫~~~呵呵呵~~btw, your beautiful twin daughters are adorable. ^_^

  34. 说道:

    Hi,AlaricI like your blog.我推荐你读几本中文书籍。(1)红楼梦 (2) 三国演义 (3) 道德经 就这几本吧。希望你能够喜欢

  35. 说道:


  36. Unknown说道:

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