

     当然买新书太贵,而且在二手书店里买书也不便宜。可是在美国有不少慈善性的旧货店(thrift shop),那里卖的二手书非常便宜。因此,几星期前我开始时常到旧货店去买书。公立图书馆里也卖很便宜的二手书本。
     到现在为止我已经买到了这批二手书籍 (它们的价钱为一毛到五毛钱一本!):

     同时,也在书房中整理出来了一个“读书角落”。椅子也是在旧货店里买的($30 块美金):

27条评论 on “读书角落”

  1. weipeng说道:

    啊….. 你这里太好了..很意外可以见过中文那么棒的美国公民啊.. 祝福你.新年快乐..

  2. ppsp说道:


  3. Cindy说道:

    说实话,我只有嫉妒的份儿。我现在和我妈挤在一个小房间里,没地方搁东西,还得在墙上开发空间,只好安慰自己:“面包,会有的;一切,都会有的……” 郁闷……

  4. fay说道:

    hihi Alaric!Woh!!!!You have so many books!I think the only books I have on the shelf are my text books, and there are still new after I have graduated. I don\’t like reading the book, and the biggest reason is my reading speed is so slow, so I always give up reading before I get to the interesting part of the story. Now, I am reading a fashion design book borrowed from the library, I hope I will continueing my reading for a bit long time this time…

  5. 晓雪说道:

    Hi! Alaric. happy new year!The book room is so wonderful, it\’s a comfortable place for reading! And you have so many books, so, be care about your eyes, haha~~!

  6. 尖尖说道:

    新年快乐我以前从一个新加坡商人买过一本二手的" call from the deep"其余的都只是买二手CD

  7. 尖尖说道:

    PS:价格可是1毛钱的几十倍 T_T

  8. Unknown说道:

    你家地下室象书店一样:) 更好的是你还可以边喝咖啡边看书! 我看到书架上米兰昆得拉的Life is elsewhere, 读这本书的时候,我总觉得文笔优美,细腻,但总让我感到淡淡的blue与无奈挥之不去,你还是心情好的时候再看这本书吧.

  9. Kenior说道:


  10. 说道:


  11. Unknown说道:

    哇,我在书架上看到了一本LIFE OF PI。在这里要卖一百多块RMB啊。我们这里为什么没有thrift shop呢?哎。。。

  12. Yucca说道:

    hi…Alaric…i\’m coming~~~~~sorry for late…busy on my working..and the exam…gosh…i hope my math can pass…gob bless me…:Pand i forgot to say.."Happy New Year!"Hope you can tough your target in 2006!Say Hello to Lizhuang for me…I miss your couple..hope can meet you soon..

  13. kimhooliang说道:


  14. Echo说道:

    hi hi~~ happy new year~

  15. 说道:


  16. O说道:


  17. Lana说道:


  18. Qiong说道:

    It\’s a great idea using basement as library. We\’re house hunting lately; I\’d like to have one with a basement, so I don\’t have to fit all the books in one of the rooms.

  19. Unknown说道:

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  20. qiwen说道:


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